/* Горизонт */

//--> I was given birth and live in Alma-Ata. I 29 years. Taught much and without òîëêó. Rice with 1990, write poetry (itself) and prose (in coauthorship with the Dyne Pea). teach Latin in legal âóçå, çàìóæåì, grows a son.
        Drawings and poetry were published in several local newspapers and literary-artistic journal "Àïîëëèíàðèé". For ôåìèíèñòñêóþ tale "Way of women (woman)" in 1996 we with D. Pea have garnerred first prize on the contest "Ñîðîñ-Kazakhstan-Debut", in 1997 it was published in the collection an ëàóðåàòîâ contest. In different s I illustrated books of local poets (In. Äåðãà÷¸âà, Ì. Äðîçäîâà), In 1990 - a collection of transfer texts a song "Áèòëç". I had several exhibitions on poetical evenings, in editings "Àïîëëèíàðèÿ", on presentations of literary contest of Fund Ñîðîñà.
        Presently Your attention is offerred exhibition of my drawings in Èíòåðíåòå, on the page be also my prose and poetry. Part of drawings is made in the classical manner: will extinguish and feather, more late work are executed by the capillary handle.
        If You something has liked or dislike, write me on this. Shall wait.